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community self defense

April 25, 2022

City Attacks Unhoused People's Encampment, Destroys Personal Property, in Pre-Dawn Raid


On 2022 April 19, on Tuesday starting at 5am the city of Minneapolis destroyed the homes and personal possessions of 20 residents of Minneapolis.


Call to Call: Tell Minneapolis officials to cancel their plan to violently destroy Near North camp


Tell the City of Minneapolis to disavow government violence as a response to poverty

Sample call script: I am calling on you to cancel Tuesday's plan to displace people from Near North camp. I support the demands of camp residents:

  • No forced removal or destruction.
  • All decisions about Near North camp happen with residents' consent.
  • No use of police or other public resources to displace people ever.
  • Permanent or at least transitional housing, or even alternative vacant land, provided before leaving this camp.

"1913" camp in Northeast requests defense from being destroyed by city of Minneapolis


An eviction notice was given to the 1913 camp and the city is clearing it tomorrow morning. Residents are requesting eviction defense.


Anarcho-Syndicalism in the 21st Century


A piece outlining a "two pillars" vision of anarcho-syndicalism