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Phone Zap J&M Concrete! Demand Cam's Gold!

A leprechaun demanding gold
Action end date

Cam and the Construction Committee have decided to move ahead with a phone zap on St Patrick's Day, Wednesday March 17th. Our sole demand is that Mike and Mark mail Cam a check for the $177.41 they owe him.

Mike and Mark can be reached at the following numbers:
651 407 8343


In order to make sure our voices are heard, we are going to ask for two windows of calls. The first will be 9 am-11 am, and the second from 3pm - 5 pm on Wednesday, March 17th.

Start your St Patrick's Day off by standing up for Cam, an Irish-American construction worker. We'll all sing a rousing chorus of Finnegan's Wake when he gets the check!

We've peepared the following script- though we also appreciate those who choose to add a creative flair to their call!

"Hello. I am [any name you want], and I am calling to demand that you mail your worker, Cam, a check for the $177.41 you shorted him on his last paycheck. More and more people know about how you retaliated against Cam for discussing wages, how you shorted him on his check, and the lack of safety at your job sites. We will make sure more people know, until you pay Cam what you owe. Cam doesn't stand alone, and we will not stop until you make this right."

For more context on this campaign, read the story here.

Action type
Direct action